Michiel Scholtes

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Michiel Scholtes

Educational background

  • General

1993    Baccalauréat littéraire, Lille
1983    Bachelor of History, Univ. of Utrecht
1975    Atheneum, Den Haag

  • Nautical

2013    RYA Yacht Master Offshore
2011    CWO III Sea Sailing Instructor
1979    BKHV (navigator short sea shipping)

  • Coaching

2015    CTI Certification CoActive coach (CPCC)
2014    CTI main curriculum CoActive© coaching
2013    Gifts Compass Inventory© (application of Jung’spsychological types)

Professional background

Three fields of professional activity:

  • Sailing

– Skippered charter sailing barges on the Dutch broad lakes and coastal waters (1975 – 1983).
– Sails as a sailing instructor on Dutch coastal waters/North Sea (1995 – present).

  • Publishing

– Publishes articles and books on nautical, social and environmen-tal issues (1993 – present).

  • Coaching

– Sails team building cruises on sailing yachts at sea as coach/sailing instructor (2011 – present).
– Coaches individuals on their voyages to personal growth through transformational change (2013 – present).

Recent interventions:

  • Jan/feb. 2016 – coach several clients with issues around a.o. burn out, divorce and self actualisation in career and personal life.
  • October 2015 – sailed a swan 47 on a week long cruise from the Netherlands to the UK and back with a team of 5 sailing instruc-tors. The objective: enhancement of their self-knowledge, height-ened conscience of their contribution to the team effort, robust spir-it of cooperation through better individual understanding of the group dynamics.
  • Summer 2015 – coached a talented and successfull HR-consultant on a search of his true life purpose. The outcome was a recogni-tion and celebration of his hearts desire, an adventurous change of course and a transformed and happier life.
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